Photograph by Lodovico Colli di Felizzano for Aspesi
Madalena Negrone is an Italian artist whose work combines science, energy, movement, rhythm, and metaphysics to visually communicate the complicated nature of existence. Her current series, "Entangled," reveals the artist’s fascination with quantum physics, the contours of her compositions at times seeming to depict the movements of particles through space and time.
In the words of art critic Andrea Pompili, “The works of art by this singular artist reflect on an unknown present, a present where the future has already passed. [Negrone’s] 'now,' her 'here and now' transmute into obsessive hypnotic gestures where every sense becomes lost in 'anti-time'… Physical gravity does not intervene here: the spatial trajectories are inferred in the silence and suspension of these evocative paintings, often monochrome, where each of us can feel ourselves as interconnected threads."
Born and raised in Genoa, Italy, Madalena Negrone has painted from an early age. She studied under the tutelage of Gabriele Kutzke, a German-born painter and sculptor. Negrone's work has been widely exhibited in New York and internationally, including a June 2023 solo exhibition at Milan’s Museum of Art and Science. Her work appeared in the flagship showroom of the brand Aspesi in the center of Milan and was interviewed as part of Aspesi's 2024 campaign on Italian artists. Negrone has received critical acclaim in Graphie magazine.